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Bounties are set tasks. For example, locate and kill a Superunique or Boss monster or complete an event or clear a dungeon and be rewarded with Experience, Gold and possibly a Rift Keystone. You access a Bounty by using the Waypoint map and selecting a waypoint marked with an exclamation mark (!) or Diablo's skull icon (indicating boss or quest boss). [1]

  • There are 25 random bounties per game, 5 per act.
  • You do not need to complete Campaign mode to access Adventure mode and Bounties.
  • Rewards for completing Bounties are Rift Keystone Fragment which are used to open Nephalem Rifts. Also experience points and gold and Blood Shards which can be used to Gamble with Kadala.
  • Blood Shards and Keystone Fragments are not awarded for completion of the first bounty in an each act.
  • Bounties are not repeatable in the same game. You need to leave and begin a new game to refresh the bounties available.

List of Bounties in Diablo 3[edit | edit source]

The Achievements column lists any that are relevant to the specific dungeon visited or target monster killed or lore book the target monster may drop. The column does not include achievements earned for killing monsters you may run into along the way or passing through the main zone areas like Fields of Misery.

* = Target mob of the Bounty.

These tables are a work in progress. Do not worry about the red links. All the information is correct, it just looks a bit messy in places. Elly (talk) 06:19, 29 April 2014 (CEST)

Act I[edit | edit source]

Objective: Kill Location Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1
Bellybloat the Scarred Cathedral (4) A Unique Collection, Thorough Investigation 5,800,000xp, 37800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Braluk Grimlow Cathedral (1) Thorough Investigation xp
Captain Cage Cathedral (4) A Unique Collection, Thorough Investigation 5,8000,00 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs 1kf
Cudgelarm Cathedral (2) A Unique Collection, Thorough Investigation 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Firestarter Cathedral (2) A Unique Collection, Thorough Investigation 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Glidewing Cathedral (1) None 5,800,000 xp, 37,800, 2bs, 1kf
Killian Damort Cathedral (4) Thorough Investigation 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Merrium Skullthorn Cathedral (2) A Unique Collection, Thorough Investigation 5,800,000 xp, 87,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Ragus Grimlow Cathedral (1) achieve 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Queen Araneae Caverns of Araneae > Chamber of Queen Araneae Pink'd, In the Mountains 2,900,000, 18,880, 2 bs, 1kf
Qurash the Reviled Caverns of Araneae In the Mountains 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Rathlin the Widowmaker Caverns of Araneae In the Mountains 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Venimite Caverns of Araneae A Unique Collection, In the Mountains 5,800,000xp, 37,800 gold, 0bs, 0kf
Dataminer Cemetery of the Forsaken > Defiled Crypt Haunted 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Digger O'Dell Cemetery of the Forsaken > Defiled Crypt None 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Fecklar's Ghost Festering Woods A Unique Collection, Haunted 5,850,000, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Galush Valdant Festering Woods None 5,850,000, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Grimsmack Festering Woods Lots in Festering Woods 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Hawthorne Gable Festering Woods Lots in Festering Woods 5,800,000xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Lord Brone Festering Woods Lots in Festering Woods 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Dreadclaw the Leaper Fields of Misery A Unique Collection 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Growler Fields of Misery aciev xp
Krelm the Flagitious Fields of Misery None 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 0bs, 0kf
Melmak Fields of Misery None 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 0bs, 0kf
Crassus the Tormentor Halls of Agony (1) None 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 0bs, 0kf
Battlerage the Plagued Halls of Agony (1) None 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Boneslag the Berserker Halls of Agony (3) There Will Definitely Be Blood 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 0bs, 0kf
Butcher Halls of Agony > Chamber of Suffering Lots for Butcher, There Will Definitely Be Blood 2,900,000 xp, 18,880 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Garrach the Afflicted Halls of Agony (2) There Will Definitely Be Blood xp
Sotnob the Fool Halls of Agony (2) None 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Treefist Woodhead Halls of Agony (3) None 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
The Warden Halls of Agony (2) > The Cursed Hold There Will Definitely Be Blood 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs 1kf
Hrugowl the Defiant Northern Highlands None 7,250,000, 37,800 gold, 2 bs, 1kf
Jezeb the Conjuror Northern Highlands > Leoric's Manor A Unique Collection, In the Mountains 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Krailen the Wicked Northern Highlands > Leoric's Manor A Unique Collection, In the Mountains 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 0bs, 1kf
Percepeus Northern Highlands > Leoric's Hunting Grounds None 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 0bs, 0kf
Reggrel the Despised Northern Highlands None 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 0bs, 0kf
Theodyn Deathsinger Northern Highlands > Leoric's Hunting Grounds None 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 0bs, 0kf
Captain Clegg The Royal Crypts Thorough Investigation, Destroyer of Destiny 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Rad'noj The Royal Crypts Thorough Investigation, Destroyer of Destiny 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold 2bs, 1kf
Skeleton King The Royal Crypts > Crypt of the Skeleton King Lots 2,900,000 xp, 18,880 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Buras the Impaler Southern Highlands None 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Cadhull the Deathcaller Southern Highlands None 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Logrut the Warrior Southern Highlands A Unique Collection xp
Lorzak the Powerful Southern Highlands A Unique Collection 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 0bs, 0kf
Horrus the Nightstalker The Weeping Hollow achiev xp
Kankerrot The Weeping Hollow None 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1 kf
Mange The Weeping Hollow A Unique Collection 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 0bs, 0kf
Mira Eamon The Weeping Hollow Till Death Do Us Part 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Objective: Clear Location Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1
Crypt of the Ancients Festering Woods Field Work 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Warrior's Rest Festering Woods Field Work 5,800,000 xp, 37,800 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Khazra Den Fields of Misery None 15,428,000 xp 99,240 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Scavenger's Den Fields of Misery No Stone Unturned 15,428,000 xp, 99,240 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Cave of the Moon Clan Southern Highlands > Cave of the Moon Clan (2) No Stone Unturned 15,428,000 xp, 99,240 gold, 2bs, 1 kf
Southern Highlands Southern Highlands None xp
Den of the Fallen The Weeping Hollow No Stone Unturned 15,428,000 xp, 99,240 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Objective: Event Location Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1
Jar of Souls Cemetery of the Forsaken > Defiled Crypt Jar of Souls, Jar of Souls (Cooperative) 7,308,000 xp, 54,320 gold, 0bs, 0kf
The Matriarch's Bones Cemetery of the Forsaken > Defiled Crypt The Matriarch's Bones, The Matriarch's Bones (Cooperative) 7,888,000 xp, 63,760 gold, 2 bs, 1kf
Eternal War Festering Woods Eternal War 7,308,000 xp, 54,320 gold 2bs, 1kf
Last Stand of the Ancients The Festering Woods Last Stand of the Ancients 7,308,000 xp, 54,320 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Carrion Farm Fields of Misery Carrion Farm, Carrion Farm (Cooperative) 7,308,000 xp, 54,320 gold, 2bs, 1kf
A Farm Besieged Fields of Misery > Forlorn Farm No Stone Unturned 3,828,000 xp, 25,960 gold, 2bs, 1kf
The Precious Ores Fields of Misery > Lost Mine achieve 9,135,000xp + 25,960 gold
A Stranger in Need Halls of Agony (2) There Will Definitely Be Blood 7,308,000 xp, 54,320 gold, 2bs, 1kf
The Apothecary's Brother Leoric's Hunting Grounds > Highlands Cave No Stone Unturned 7,888,000 xp, 63,760 gold, 2bs, 1kf
The Crumbling Tower Southern Highlands > Lyceum No Stone Unturned 7,888,000 xp, 63,760 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Scavenged Scabbard Southern Highlands > Watch Tower Market Research, No Stone Unturned 7,308,000 xp, 54,320 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Objective: Cursed Event Location Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1
The Cursed Bellows Halls of Agony (3) Cursebreaker of Tristram 7,888,000 xp, 63,760 gold, 2bs, 1kf
The Cursed Camp Southern Highlands Cursebreaker of Tristram 4,988,000xp, 54,320 gold, 0bs, 0kf
The Cursed Cellar The Old Ruins > Damp Cellar Cursebreaker of Tristram 7,888,000 xp, 63,760 gold, 2bs, 1kf
The Cursed Chamber of Bone Cathedral (1) Cursebreaker of Tristram, Thorough Investigation 4,688,000 xp, 54,320 gold, 0bs, 0kf
The Cursed Court Cathedral (lvl2) Cursebreaker of Tristram, Thorough Investigation 7,888,000 xp, 63,760 gold, 0bs, 0kf
The Cursed Grove Fields of Misery > Secluded Grove Cursebreaker of Tristram 7,888,000xp, 63,760 gold, 0bs, 0kf
The Cursed Hatchery Caverns of Araneae Cursebreaker of Tristram 7,888,000xp, 63,760, 0bs, 0kf
The Cursed Mill Fields of Misery Cursebreaker of Tristram xp

Act II[edit | edit source]

Objective: Kill Location Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1
Ashek Black Canyon Mines achiev xp
Balzhak where achiev xp
Barty the Minuscule Stinging Winds achiev xp
Belial Imperial Palace, City of Caldeum Belial 2,900,000, 18,880, 2 bs, 1kf
Blarg the Imp Desolate Sands achive xp
Bloodfeather Desolate Sands achive xp
Bonesplinter Road to Alcarnus achive xp
Gart the Mad Howling Plateau achive xp
Hellscream Archives of Zoltun Kulle achive xp
Hemit Howling Plateau achive xp
High Cultist Murdos Alcarnus achive xp
Jhorum the Cleric Alcarnus achive xp
Mage Lord Flaydren The Storm Halls, Archives of Zoltun Kulle achive xp
Mage Lord Misgen Vault of the Assassin, Desolate Sands Nooks and Crannies 7,250,000, 37,800 0bs, 0kf
Maghda Lair of the Witch, Alcarnus achive xp
Pazuzu Desolate Sands achive xp
Plagar the Damned Desolate Sands achive xp
Raiha the Vicious Desolate Sands achive xp
Razormouth Howling Plateau achive xp
Rockgut Unknown Depths, Archives of Zoltun Kulle achive xp
Saha the Slasher Howling Plateau achive xp
Sammash where achive xp
Taros the Wild Howling Plateau achive xp
Thugeesh the Enraged The Unknown Depths, Archives of Zoltun Kulle achieve 7,250,000, 37,800, 2bs, 1 kf
Tomekeeper Realm of Shadow, Archives of Zoltun Kulle mat achive xp
Torsar Dahlgur Oasis achive xp
Zoltun Kulle Soulstone Chamber, Archives of Zoltun Kulle achive xp
Objective: Clear Location Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1
The Ancient Cave Dahlgur Oasis > Ancient Cave (2) Nooks and Crannies 15,428,000xp, 99,240 gold, 2bs, 1kf
Clear the Cave of Burrowing Horror Desolate Sands Nooks and Crannies 15,428,000 xp, 99,240 gold, 0bs, 0kf
Mysterious Cave Dahlgur Oasis achieve xp
The Ruins Stinging Winds achiev 15,428,000, 99,240 2 bs, 1kf
Sirocco Caverns Howling Plateau achive xp
Vile Cavern Desolate Sands achive xp
Objective: Event Location Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1 (no Blood Shards or Rift Key Fragments
A Miner's Gold Howling Plateau achive xp
Guardian Spirits Stinging Winds achive xp
Lost Treasure of Khan Dakab Tomb of Khan Dakab, Dahlgur Oasis achive xp
Prisoners of Kamyr Dahlgur Oasis achive xp
Restless Sands Stinging Winds achive xp
The Rygnar Idol Chamber of the Lost Idol, Stinging Winds achive xp
Sardar's Treasure Tomb of Sardar, Dahlgur Oasis achive xp
The Shrine of Rakanishu Dahlgur Oasis achive xp
Objective: Cursed Event Location Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1
The Cursed Archive Vault of the Assassin, Desolate Sands achive xp
The Cursed Battlement Howling Plateau achive xp
The Cursed Outpost Howling Plateau Hiding in Plain Sight, Just Deserts 4,785,000, 25,950, 2bs, 1kf
The Cursed Pit The Storm Halls, Archives of Zoltun Kulle achive xp
The Cursed Shallows Flooded Cave, Dahlgur Oasis achive xp
The Cursed Spire The Unknown Depths, Archives of Zoltun Kulle achive xp

Act III[edit | edit source]

Objective: Kill Location Can Drop Legendary Material Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1
Allucayrd where mat achive xp
Aloysius the Ghastly The Keep Depths Captured Soul achieve xp
Azmodan Heart of Sin, The Core of Arreat mat achive xp
Bashface the Truncheon Stonefort mat achive xp
Belagg Pierceflesh The Keep Depths (3) mat achive xp
Captain Donn Adams The Keep Depths mat achive xp
Severclaw Arreat Crater Bloody Pincer| achiev 7,250,000, 37,800 0bs, 0kf
Crabbs Tower of the Damned Bloody Pincer achieve 7,250,000, 37,800, 2bs, 1kf
Cydaea Heart of the Cursed, Tower of the Cursed mat A Question of Lust, Get You Alone, Antivenom, Lust for Life, The Mouth of Hell, Pink'd 3,625,000, 18,880, 2 bs, 1kf
Charuch the Spear Arreat Crater mat achive xp
Crusher The Keep Depths mat achive xp
Demonika the Wicke Tower of the Damned mat achive xp
Emberwing where mat achive xp
Ganthar the Trickster Skycrown Battlements, Stonefort mat achive xp
Ghallem the Cruel Fields of Slaughter mat achive xp
Gholash Tower of the Damned mat achive xp
Ghom The Larder, The Keep Depths mat achive xp
Gorog the Bruiser The Core of Arreat mat achive xp
Gugyn the Gauntlet The Keep Depths (3) mat achive xp
Haxxor Tower of the Damned mat achive xp
Hyrug the Malformed where mat achive xp
Lummock the Brute Rakkis Crossing mat achive xp
Mhawgann the Unholy Arreat Crater (2) mat achive xp
Maggrus the Savage Tower of the Cursed mat achive xp
Marchocyas Skycrown Battlements, Stonefort mat achive xp
Mehshak the Abomination The Battlefields mat achive xp
Obis the Mighty Skycrown Battlements, Stonefort mat achive xp
Sawtooth Arreat Crater mat achive xp
Shandra Har Rakkis Crossing mat achive xp
Siegebreaker the Assault Beast Edge of the Abyss, Rakkis Crossing mat Siegebreaking Bad, Tear Down This Tower, Slaughter Fields Five 2,900,000, 18,880 0bs, 0kf
Snitchley where mat achive xp
Vicious Gray Turkey The Keep Depths mat achive xp
Objective: Clear Location Can Drop Legendary Material Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1
The Barracks The Battlefields mat achive xp
Battlefield Stores The Battlefields mat achive xp
Caverns of Frost Fields of Slaughter mat achive xp
Cryder's Outpost The Battlefields mat achive xp
The Forward Barracks The Battlefields mat achive xp
Icefall Caves The Bridge of Korsikk Urn of Quickening from Zelusa the Grasping (rare spawn) mat 15,428,000, 99,240, 2bs, 1kf
Objective: Event Location Can Drop Legendary Material Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1 (no Blood Shards or Rift Key Fragments
Blaze of Glory Rakkis Crossing mat achive xp
Blood Ties The Barracks, The Battlefields mat achive xp
Forged in Battle The Keep Depths mat achive xp
Tide of Battle The Battlefields mat achieve 3,828,000, 25,960, 2 bs, 1kf
Objective: Cursed Event Location Can Drop Legendary Material Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1
The Cursed Caldera Arreat Crater Level 2 mat achive xp
The Cursed Depths The Keep Depths (2) mat achive xp
The Cursed Garrison The Battlefields mat achive xp
The Cursed Glacier Icefall Caves (1) mat achive xp

Act IV[edit | edit source]

Objective: Kill Location Can Drop Legendary Material Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1
Aspect of Anguish Gardens of Hope mat achiev 5,800,000, 37,800, 2 bs, 1kf
Aspect of Hatred The Silver Spire mat achiev 5,800,000, 37,800 2 bd, 1kf
Aspect of Lies The Silver Spire mat achive xp
Aspect of Pain Gardens of Hope mat achive xp
Aspect of Sin The Silver Spire mat achive xp
Diablo Crystal Arch, The Silver Spire mat achive xp
Hammermash Hell Rift mat achive xp
Izual Great Span, The Silver Spire mat achive xp
Kysindra the Wretched The Silver Spire Level 1 mat achive xp
Khatun Gardens of Hope 1st Tier mat achive xp
Kao'Ahn Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier mat achive xp
Oah'Tash Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier mat achive xp
Pyres the Damned The Silver Spire Level 1 mat achive xp
Rakanoth Library of Fate, Gardens of Hope mat achieve 2,900,000, 18,880, 2 bs, 1kf
Rhau'Kye The Silver Spire mat achive xp
Slarge the Behemoth The Silver Spire Level 1 mat achive xp
Sledge Hell Rift mat achieve 5,800,000, 37,800 2 bs, 1kf
Torchlighter Gardens of Hope mat achive xp
Veshan the Fierce Gardens of Hope 1st Tier mat achive xp
Objective: Clear Location Can Drop Legendary Material Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1
Hell Rift Hell Rift (2) mat achive 15,428,000 xp, 99,240, 2bs, 1kf
Objective: Cursed Event Location Can Drop Legendary Material Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1
The Cursed Chapel The Silver Spire Level 2 mat achieve 3,828,000, 25,960 0bs 0kf
The Cursed Dais Gardens of Hope 1st Tier mat achive xp

Act V[edit | edit source]

Objective: Kill Location Can Drop Legendary Material Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1
Adria The Great Hall, Ruins of Corvus mat achiev 2,900,000, 18,880, 2 bs, 1kf
Baethus Battlefields of Eternity mat achive xp
Barg the Elder The Crag of Eternity, Battlefields of Eternity mat achive xp
Bloone Realm of the Banished, Battlefields of Eternity mat achive xp
Burrask the Tunneler Battlefields of Eternity mat achive xp
Fangbite Blood Marsh mat achive xp
Hedros Briarthorn Cemetery mat achive xp
Katherine Batts Westmarch Commons mat achiev 5,800,000, 37,800, 2 bs, 1 kf
Lograth Pandemonium Fortress Level 1 mat achive xp
Lu'ca Putrid Hovel, Paths of the Drowned mat achive xp
Malthael Heart of the Fortress, Pandemonium Fortress mat achive xp
Magrethar Realm of the Banished, Battlefields of Eternity mat achive xp
Matanzas the Loathsome Westmarch Commons mat achive xp
Micheboar Westmarch Heights mat achive xp
Morghum the Beast Blood Marsh mat achive xp
Nak Qujin Ruins of Corvus mat achive xp
Nak Sarugg Ruins of Corvus mat achive xp
Obsidious Battlefields of Eternity mat achive xp
Pan Fezbane Westmarch Heights mat achive xp
Phyneus the Growler Westmarch Commons mat achive xp
Purah Briarthorn Cemetery mat achive xp
Sartor Battlefields of Eternity mat achive xp
Slarth the Tunneler Battlefields of Eternity mat achive xp
Theodosia Buhre Westmarch Heights mat achive xp
Tadardya Paths of the Drowned mat achive xp
Urzael Tower of Korelan, Westmarch Heights mat achive xp
Valtesk the Cruel Pandemonium Fortress Level 1 mat achive xp
Vek Marru Passage to Corvus, Paths of the Drowned mat achive xp
Vek Tabok Passage to Corvus, Paths of the Drowned mat achive xp
Vilepaw Paths of the Drowned mat achive xp
Watareus Battlefields of Eternity mat achive xp
Xaphane Pandemonium Fortress Level 2 mat achive xp
Yergacheph Westmarch Commons mat achive xp
Zorrus Pandemonium Fortress Level 2 mat achive xp
Objective: Event Location Can Drop Legendary Material Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1 (no Blood Shards or Rift Key Fragments
A Diversion Battlefields of Eternity mat achieve 3,828,000, 25,960, 2 shards, 1kf
Altar of Sadness Briarthorn Cemetery mat achive xp
Cryptology Briarthorn Cemetery mat achive xp
Firestorm Plague Tunnels, Westmarch Commons mat achive xp
Grave Situation Briarthorn Cemetery mat achive xp
Out of the Fire Westmarch Heights mat achive xp
Out of Time Pandemonium Fortress Level 2 mat achive xp
Pest Problems Vermin Alley, Westmarch Heights mat achive 3,828,000, 25,960, 0 bs, 0 kf
Resurrection Occupied Ruins, Battlefields of Eternity mat achive xp
The Burning Man Paths of the Drowned mat achive 3,828,000, 25,950 2 bs, 1kf
The Great Weapon Battlefields of Eternity mat achive xp
The Last Stand Old Smugglers' Warehouse, Westmarch Commons mat achive xp
The Lord of the Hill Paths of the Drowned mat achive xp
The Lost Legion Hideout of the Lost Legion, Battlefields of Eternity mat achive xp
The Miser's Will Miser's Hovel, Westmarch Commons mat achive xp
The Rebellious Rabble Contested Villa, Westmarch Commons xp mat achive
The True Son of the Wolf Clyfton Hall, Westmarch Heights mat achive xp
Touch of Death Westmarch Commons mat achive xp
Objective: Cursed Event Location Can Drop Legendary Material Towards Achievements XP - Torment 1
The Cursed Bone Pit Repository of Bones, Westmarch Heights mat achive xp
The Cursed City Passage to Corvus, Paths of the Drowned mat achive xp
The Cursed Forum Westmarch Commons mat achive xp
The Cursed Realm Battlefields of Eternity mat achive xp
The Cursed War Room Pandemonium Fortress Level 1 mat achive xp

Gallery[edit | edit source]

SPOILER[edit | edit source]

Information below this point has been datamined from the Reaper of Souls PTR game files and as such should be considered a spoiler.

Datamining Bounties[edit | edit source]

In one of the panels of images datamined called 'WaypointMap' are icons now known to be bounty indicators. All the images on the panel are in pairs, one plain and one with a green tick over it, probably indicating completion.

It does not necessarily mean that all of the icons represent a type of Bounty. All the icons are below.

Waypoint-icon-03.pngWaypoint-icon-02.png Bounty with a random boss, and the completed icon.
Waypoint-icon-04.pngWaypoint-icon-05.png Bounty to complete an event, and the completed icon.
Waypoint-icon-06.pngWaypoint-icon-07.png Bounty to clear a dungeon, and the completed icon.
Waypoint-icon-08.pngWaypoint-icon-09.png Bounty with a quest or act boss.
Waypoint-icon-12.pngWaypoint-icon-13.png This could be something to do with the Devil's Hand as the icons are similar to the image panel labelled Devil's Hand in the data files
Waypoint-icon-01.png This marks a completed bounty in a given act. When all five bounties are completed in a given act, a special random reward can be earned by visiting Tyrael in town.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Jump up Bounty Details - IncGamers' Gameplay Report, 08/11/13