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247 bytes added, 06:16, 18 April 2011
Developer Quotes
==Developer Quotes==
As of April 2011, the H/D system was the only class [[resource]] not yet finalized, and thus still subject to considerable change.[] ::Any news on resource systems for any of the classes? --Scyberdragon::Pretty much nailed down except for demon hunter, which is solid but still needs more time and testing. --Diablo
Until more details are revealed, we can only speculate about the precise functions of Hatred and Discipline, as suggested by [[Christian Lichtner]] and [[Jason Bender]] during four interviews they gave in February 2011.
Some abilities use hatred; some use discipline. That’s where we’re at in development. But we want to make sure you’re bouncing back and forth between the two without having to switch a stance or anything cumbersome like that. So you’ll have abilities from both camps accessible at all times, depending on how you build your character. Some demon hunters may focus on hatred, with lots of shooting and moving around, and try to amp up that ability as much as possible, while some may focus on discipline instead. [Either way], the default path is going to be a little of both.</blue>