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Fanmade:Holy Power Skill Tree

730 bytes added, 14:01, 1 November 2009
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Adding points to the skill will increase the damage done to higher level demons. The chance to banish higher level demons also increases. Lower level demons instantly die.
* '''Holy Portal'''
When there are many enemies gathered the mage raises her hand and opens a spherical bright shining portal. The portal is made of concentric light crowns /circles/ that shrink to center with average speed. There are bright white lightnings that dance on the portal surface. The lightnings are not centered - they dance on the surface randomly. This Holy Portal draws the closer enemies in and swallows them with no mercy. The enemies that are higher level won't be drawn in, so add points to the skill. The portal is active for 15 seconds and after it disappears there is a 15 seconds casting delay.
Adding points to the skill will increase the draw-in radius and the chance to draw in higher level enemies.