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The mage raises her hands and invokes a spherical shield that shines with a bright light. The shield looks like a white ring /sphere/ around the mage that spreads rays of light all around. The shield can absorb a limited amount of damage and returns it like a ray of bright light, to the enemy that has struck the shield with melee attack or a missile. For example the enemy fires an arrow to the mage. The shield absorbs the arrow and fires a ray of light that burns the enemy and returns the arrow damage to him. The ray lasts for half a second and disappears. When the amount of damage reaches the shield limit, the shield fades away. Costs Mana.
Adding points to the skill will increase the amount of damage absorbed and the percent of damage returned - 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%, 110% etc.. The mana cost increases.
The mage casts a bright bolt that hurts the enemies and heals allies. Looks pretty much like the Paladin skill. The bolt deals some damage to foes and there is +150% damage to undead and +200% damage to demons. When the skill is lower level, the bolt fired is one. When the skill is higher level, the bolts are three /like Multiple Shot/, and when the skill is even higher level, the bolts are five. Costs Mana.
Adding points to the skill will make the bolt multiple - three and five bolts /up to five/. Adding points will also increase the damage. The mana cost increases.
The mage spins and sprinkles holy water in a circle around her. The water covers the ground around the mage. It is presented by tiny twinkling sparkles on the ground. Now the enemies cannot pass the circle of holy water - they are afraid. This is useful when there are many surrounding foes. The duration of the holy water is 30 to 60 seconds depending on the skill level. After you cast the spell there is a 15 seconds casting delay. Costs Mana.
Adding points to this skill will increase the radius of the ring and the duration of the holy water. The mana cost increases.
This nova deals magical damage to foes and heals allies. There is an extra damage to undead and demons. There is a casting delay of 5 seconds. The nova is bright shining in white. Costs Mana.
Adding points to this skill will increase the damage and the healing rate. The mana cost increases.
The mage raises her hands aside and many tiny white shining Light spheres fly out from her fingers and from her back. The spheres leave long bright trail behind them. They fly high above the mage and then they make a turn, and fly to enemies. When an enemy is hit by a Light sphere, he is covered by a white holy fire that quickly burns him and lowers his resistances /also magical resistance/ and defence. There is an extra damage to demons and undead. The enemies that are killed turn into ashes. Costs Mana.
Adding points to the skill will increase the damage and the count of the Light spheres fired. The holy fire burn duration also increases and the resistances and the defence lowered also increase. The mana cost increases.
When encountering many undead enemies, the Aurian Mage can dispatch them by using this spell. The mage raises her hand and draws a shining mystic rune in the air that disappears after a while. The rune looks pretty much like a skull. After the rune is drawn a bright light explodes in the undead enemy's chest. Then he falls on the ground dead, like a pile of bones and flesh. After the first enemy has fallen the bright explosion jumps to the nearest enemies /like Locust Swarm of the Witch Doctor/. This is how you can dispel a group of undead foes that stand close to each other. If the next enemy is too far /more than two metres/ the spell won't jump to him. Some undead that are higher level won't be affected by this spell - they will be just damaged. That's why you have to add points to this skill. The spell works only when cast to undead enemies. Costs Mana.
Adding points to this skill will increase the damage dealt to higher level undead enemies. The chance to dispel higher level undead also increases. The enemies that are lower level instantly die. The mana cost increases.
This skill is used when encountering demons. You point a demon and use the skill and the mage raises her hand and draws another mystic rune in the air that floats and disappears. After the rune is drawn a big explosion of bright light strikes the demon. The explosion is bigger than the one of Dispel Undead and can affect the demons nearby. When the explosion strikes the demons are swallowed by bright white flames that burn them to ashes. This spell doesn't jump to nearby enemies - the explosion is big enough to affect the closest foes, but that's all. Demons that are higher level will only be damaged, so add points to the skill. The spell works only to demons. Costs Mana.
Adding points to the skill will increase the damage done to higher level demons. The chance to banish higher level demons also increases. Lower level demons instantly die. The mana cost increases.
When there are many enemies gathered the mage raises her hand and opens a spherical bright shining portal. The portal is made of concentric light crowns /circles/ that shrink to center with average speed. There are bright white lightnings that dance on the portal surface. The lightnings are not centered - they dance on the surface randomly. This Holy Portal draws the closer enemies in and swallows them with no mercy. The enemies that are higher level won't be drawn in, so add points to the skill. The portal is active for 15 seconds and after it disappears there is a 15 seconds casting delay. Costs Mana.
Adding points to the skill will increase the draw-in radius and the chance to draw in higher level enemies. The mana cost increases.
This skill has the biggest area of effect - nearly the whole screen. When you cast the Golden light the mage raises her hand /orb or scepter/ and a golden light starts to shine on top of it. The light forms a sphere that grows fast and soon it fills the whole screen and disappears after a while. The light turns the undead enemies and demons into ashes. All other enemies are blinded for a time. Some undead and demons that are higher level won't be killed by the light - they will be only damaged. Enemies that are not undead or demons should be blinded, but if they are higher level, they won't. You have to add skill points to the skill in order to kill higher level undead and demon enemies or blind others. Costs Mana.
Adding points to this skill will increase the chance to kill higher level undead and demons, the damage done to higher level undead and demons that won't be killed, and the chance to blind higher level enemies /different from undead and demons/. Lower level undead and demons instantly die, and lower level other enemies are instantly blinded. Adding points to the skill also increases the blind duration. The mana cost increases.
You can call maximum three Wisps of Light. These Wisps cannot be combined with Shadow Wisps /see the Shadow Spells skill tree - I will add it after some time/. When you call one kind of wisp it cancels the other.
Adding points to this skill will increase the magical damage and the count of wisps that you can call /up to three/. The mana cost increases.
The wraiths deal magical and physical damage. There is extra damage to undead and demons. They move and attack willfully. They have limited hit points. When killed they fade away. They can pass trough gratings just like in D2. The maximum count of Wraiths that you can call is five. They can be combined with Wisps Of Light and Angels /see below/. Costs Mana.
Adding points to the skill will increase the count of wraiths that can be summoned /up to five/. The damage of the wraiths and their health also increases. The mana cost increases.
When you add skill points to the skill the angels called at a time become two and that's their maximum count. They exist for a limited amount of time and disappear /fade away/. Costs Mana.
When adding points to the skill you increase the damage of the angels and the time of existence - 30 seconds to 1 minute /maximum/. The count of the angels called also increases up to two. The mana cost increases.