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Fanmade:Holy Power Skill Tree

205 bytes added, 11:34, 1 December 2009
Call Angels
==Call Angels==
The incredible ability of the Aurian Mage to call angels from heavens to help her. The mage raises her hand and a beautiful angel appears near her. The wings of the angel are not like Tyrael's - they are common bird type wings, and the angel's head has long white hair. The angel shines in white. He has golden armor and he is holding a big two handed sword. The angel attacks willfully with the sword and deals lots of damage to enemies. There is extra damage to undead and demons. Angels are immortal, bit but an angel helps for a limited amount of time - 30 seconds to 1 minute/maximum/. After he fades away there is a big casting delay - five minutes or more.Angels look a little transparent and they can pass trough enemies like ghosts - they cannot be trapped between enemies. 
When you add skill points to the skill the angels called at a time become two and that's their maximum count. They exist for a limited amount of time and disappear /fade away/. Costs Mana.
When you use Shadow Spells that steal life and mana or Shadow Wisp, the angels won't tolerate it and will disappear. Also if you have mind controlled creatures, Angels won't like it and will not appear.
When adding points to the skill you increase the damage of the angels and the time of existence - 30 seconds to 1 minute /maximum/. The count of the angels called also increases up to two. The mana cost increases.
==Holy Force==