Cosplay: short for Costume Play; is a type of performance art in which participants don costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea [1].
Cosplay is popular for many fictional properties, including Blizzard's. Diablo cosplay has long been popular owing to the many colorful and creative character looks seen in the game. The fact that most of the characters are humans, or at least roughly human in shape helps with cosplay as well since clothing and props, rather than elaborate construction and costumes, are all that's required.
Blizzard hosts a Costume Contest at each Blizzcon convention, with prizes and fame for the best outfits.
- maintains a huge Diablo cosplay gallery with hundreds of photos of fans in a wide variety of costumes.
- Full collection of Diablo news items concerning cosplay.
Known Cosplayers[edit | edit source]
There have been many known Cosplayers over the years. Some examples of these are listed below:
- Rainyia -- Won the Blizzcon costume contest in 2010 in her Mistress of Pain costume.
- Christina Simms -- Won the Blizzcon costume contest in 2011 in her Female Monk costume. (And was later hired as the community manager for Hearthstone.
- Rythos and RampagingCoconut -- A married couple who met while cosplaying at Blizzcon 2009. Rythos was interviewed on The Diablo Podcast #6.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
A few sample images. Many others can be seen throughout this wiki, and maintains a huge Diablo cosplay gallery with hundreds of photos of fans in a wide variety of costumes.
The Mistress of Pain by Rainyia. First Prize Blizzcon 2009.
Adria cosplay.
Lyndon and a female Monk from Diablo III.
Questions and Answers[edit | edit source]
- Who can make a new cosplay?
Anyone can create a cosplay. Just be sure to upload it to the Cosplay Gallery. Also make a post on the Creations Forum to show off your work there.
Related Links[edit | edit source]
Fan-made Creations - Fan Creations Forum[e] Art Artists Cosplay Fiction Poetry Writers Classes/Skills Characters Monsters Locations |