Former Alchemist Skills
These are the former Alchemist skills prior to being redesigned. The number of active and passive skills has been reduced to match the current skill layout for the canonical classes. Some skills have either been eliminated or combined to offer more useful skills and interesting gameplay. They are now being kept in reserve should the skill system change again. There are currently two former skill systems, which mirror the development of the canonical skills. The newest system on the main page simplifies the names of skills, eliminates the tree structure, and replaces passives with traits.
[hide]Alchemist Skills (First System)[edit | edit source]
The alchemist skills are arranged into to three distinctive skill tree categories:
- Potion
- Hex Field
- Phenomenon
All three trees have a combination of active and passive skills. Active skills are used in combat, while the passive skills boost or change the behaviour of the active skills or the Alchemist himself.
Note: The skills will be marked as either being Unchanged, Changed, or Removed.
Potion Skills[edit | edit source]
The Potion tree skills include several potions and powders that an alchemist can use/throw to both damage his enemies and strike them with debilitating debuffs.
Tier 1 Skills:
- Aqua Fortis- Active Skill. Periodically deals Lightning damage and has chance of interrupting the current action of a monster.
- Lore: By utilizing simple acids, an alchemist can blister the raw skin of his opponents. Though not potent enough to kill, these acids are capable of shocking the nerves and causing spasms.
- >Removed- Skill effects have been combined with Muriatic Acid.
- Phosphorous- Active Skill. Temporary blinds monsters in range.
- Lore: Not all potions are meant to attack directly. With this in mind, an alchemist can mix delicate proportions of chemicals to produce a reaction that creates blinding light, allowing him to dispatch his foe by other means while they are incapacitated or escape unnoticed.
- >Removed- Skill effects have been combined with Brimstone.
- Alembic - Passive Skill. Decreases the cost of all Potion skills.
- >Removed
- Lobbing Arm - Passive Skill. Increases the attack rating and casting speed of all Potion skills.
- >Removed
- Aftereffects - Passive Skill. Increases the range of Aqua Fortis shock damage.
- >Removed
Tier 2 Skills:
- Brimstone - Active Skill. Monsters within the cloud flee until it dissipates.
- Lore: When surrounded by enemies, an alchemist can utilize the foul nature of this fundamental substance to create putrid clouds of sulfur that quickly spread through the area. So powerful is the sulfur that it drives enemies away simply by the noxious odor.
- >Changed- Skill also includes effects of Phosphorous.
- Muriatic Acid - Active Skill. Increases weapon damage of targets in area, but has a chance to lower weapon’s durability.
- Lore: Not above conventional weaponry, an alchemist in combat can imbue a weapon with corrosive acid that eats into the flesh of his wounded enemy. The strength of the acid greatly increases the damage of an attack, but also damages the weapon itself – slowly eating into it and degrading its durability.
- >Changed- Skill also includes effects of Aqua Fortis.
- Tempered Vial - Passive Skill. Increases the splash radius of all Potion skills.
- >Removed
- Duplication - Passive Skill. Increases the chance to cast two vials of a potion instead of one.
- >Removed
- Catalyst - Passive Skill. Decreases enemy defense to physical attacks when struck by potion.
- >Changed- Name changed to Potent Catalyst, effect lasts for 5 seconds.
Tier 3 Skills:
- Black Powder - Active Skill. Explodes on contact, deals Fire damage, cause knockback.
- Lore: Should an alchemist be in need of force, he can cast a volatile powder that generates powerful explosions. So great is the force of the explosion that it can knock enemies away from the blast.
- >Changed- Skill also deals physical damage.
- Pitch - Active Skill. Enemies caught in area of effect are slowed or stopped.
- Lore: Speed is a powerful weapon. By using the natural thickness of this substance, an alchemist can ensnare his foes. After being slowed or even immobilized by the pitch, an enemy is easily dispatched by other attacks.
- >Unchanged
- Nitre - Passive Skill. Adds additional explosives to Black Powder that spread outward from the initial explosion.
- >Removed
- Boiling Tar - Passive Skill. Adds Fire damage to Pitch.
- >Removed
- Residue - Passive Skill. Increases the effect duration of all Potion skills.
- >Removed
Tier 4 Skills:
- Aqua Vitae - Active Skill. Deals Cold damage, lowers monsters’ attack rating.
- Lore: Having long studied the effects of spirits on drunkards, an alchemist can distill this liquid into a potion that intoxicates his victims. Their thinned blood leaves them cold and sluggish, while their attacks become uncoordinated. It is unlikely that a monster could land even a single blow while in such a drunken stupor.
- >Unchanged
- Ichor - Active Skill. Deals Poison damage.
- Lore: Legend has long told of this chemical being the essence of immortality in the blood of the gods, but also being extremely toxic to mortals. Should an alchemist be able to procure this rare substance, he can fill his enemies with a deadly poison.
- >Unchanged
- Hoarfrost - Passive Skill. Increases Cold damage to Aqua Vitae.
- >Removed
- Enhanced Formula - Passive Skill. --- (To be determined)
- >Removed
- Nepenthe - Passive Skill. Adds a chance to receive % less physical damage for 10 seconds when struck.
- >Changed- Skill now has effect of Transcendence in Hex Field Tree.
Tier 5 Skills:
- Alkahest - Active Skill. Deals Fire damage, spreads through contact.
- Lore: Hailed as the long-sought after universal solvent, a wise alchemist could discover an acid capable of dissolving even gold. An alchemist can use this chemical to melt to flesh from bone of any creature it comes into contact with. Its resilience allows it easily spread from monster to monster or from the ground for its duration.
- >Unchanged
- Aether - Active Skill. Steals life of monsters, replenishes the health of the caster.
- Lore: Considered to be the fifth element of existence, Aether is the essence of life and spirit. When properly channeled, an alchemist can focus the spirits of Aether to seek out his enemies and rob them of their life force in order to replenish his own health.
>Changed- Skill might replenish health of allies as well (to be determined).
- Potency - Passive Skill. Increases damage of DoT acids and poisons while enemy is moving.
- >Removed
- Panacea - Passive Skill. Increases effect of non-skill potions.
- >Unchanged
- Quintessence - Passive Skill. Increases duration that enemy affected by Aether continues to give health to caster and allies when nearby.
- >Removed
Hex Field Skills[edit | edit source]
The Hex Field tree skills focus on altering reality in order to allow an alchemist to finish his enemies faster and easier. Once a hex field is cast, the glyph representing that hex field floats at the center and projects a faint boundary for the area of effect. Multiple hex fields can be cast -so long as they are not of the same type -but cannot overlap their effects. If a new hex field overlaps an older one, the new one will cancel the effects of part the old hex field it overlaps.
Tier 1 Skills:
- Crisis- Active Skill. Lowers physical resistance of enemy and increases chance of critical strike.
- Lore: Alchemists have long studied the crisis period, the critical point in the body’s defenses that results in recovery or death. Having this knowledge, an alchemist can subtly influence the probability to be in favor of death, causing wounds to fail to heal and bleed uncontrollably.
- >Unchanged
- Confinement- Active Skill. Enemies that enter field cannot move beyond its limits. Each additional monster lowers field’s duration.
- Lore: By altering the natural laws, an alchemist can manifest temporary pocket realities onto the worldly plane. These pockets bind monsters to their reality, allowing them to enter but not leave until the reality dissipates.
- >Removed- Skill effects have been combined with Archeus.
- Calligraphy - Passive Skill. Increases the range of all Hex Field skills.
- >Unchanged
- Fine-Tuning - Passive Skill. Adds a wave of Arcane damage when Confinement field collapses.
- >Removed
- Prediction - Passive Skill. Increases the chance to avoid an enemy attack when you are not casting.
- >Removed
Tier 2 Skills:
- Dyscrasia - Active Skill. Enemies within field move slower and have lower elemental resistances.
- Lore: Through years of studying the fundamental temperaments, an alchemist can upset the natural balance of a monster’s bodily fluids. The lack of equilibrium slows the monster’s natural bodily functions and renders it unable to withstand sudden elemental or environmental changes.
- >Unchanged
- Peaceful Slumber - Active Skill. Prevents enemy heal within field, slain monsters cannot be used in any way.
- Lore: In understanding the nature of the life force, an alchemist can impede the flow of vitality, rendering any attempt to heal by potion or spell ineffective. By driving out this life force, the corpse of a slain monster cannot be manipulated or resurrected.
- >Removed- Skill effects have been combined with Vulken's Wrath.
- Field Flux - Passive Skill. Increases the health and mana globes dropped in hex fields.
- >Unchanged
- Mystic Pattern - Passive Skill. Increases alchemist's attack rating and speed when in hex field.
- >Changed- Skill will either alter Rune effects, or increase Alchemist's attack rating and critical strike damage (to be determined).
- Metallurgy - Passive Skill. Weapon damage receives bonus from Willpower.
- >Removed
Tier 3 Skills:
- Spirit Sever - Active Skill. Enemies within field suffer mana burn and lose magic resistance.
- Lore: The alchemists have long understood that all magic of the world is done by manipulating the world’s natural fields. An alchemist can sever a monster’s ties to these natural fields, draining its mana reserves and leaving it vulnerable to magical damage.
- >Removed- Skill effects have been combined with Chaos.
- Vulken's Wrath - Active Skill. Demons and Undead receive regular fire damage, lowers their physical resistance.
- Lore: Fire has always been seen as a symbol of purity and a key to the art of alchemy. By invoking the wrath of Vulken, the alchemical patron of fire, an alchemist can call forth this purifying fire to sear the corrupted spirits of demons and the undead.
- >Changed- Skill also includes effects of Peaceful Slumber.
- Empowered Psyche - Passive Skill. Alchemist gains % of mana lost by enemy in Spirit Sever field.
- >Changed- Skill now has effects of Equilibrium.
- Death Rattle - Passive Skill. When enemy dies in hex field, lowers defense of nearby enemies.
- >Removed
- Alignment - Passive Skill. --- (To be determined)
- >Removed
Tier 4 Skills:
- Violent Demise - Active Skill. Enemies that die within field explode. Spirits of dead attack other monsters.
- Lore: An alchemist can infuriate his enemy by filling its body with pain, tormenting its spirit until it violently explodes from its body upon death. The furious spirit will blindly lash out at its former allies before it is forced to move on and leave the mortal plane.
- >Unchanged
- Empathy - Active Skill. Enemies in field receive % of melee or ranged damage they inflict.
- Lore: Alchemists have studied the workings of the mind for ages. With an understanding of the complex subtleties of thought, an alchemist can force an enemy to share his feelings and pains. Even as an enemy strikes the alchemist, it feels the pain of the wound as if it were its own wound.
- >Unchanged
- Greater Logic - Passive Skill. Increases the base mana gained in proportion to character level.
- >Removed
- Gematria - Passive Skill. --- (To be determined - may deal with runes and/or items' magic effects)
- >Removed
- Equilibrium - Passive Skill. Alchemist receives % mana in proportion to his/her life at any given moment.
- >Removed- Effects transfered to Empowered Psyche.
Tier 5 Skills:
- Archeus - Active Skill. Enemies within field are attacked by weaker doppelgangers.
- 'Lore: Through sheer force of will, an alchemist can manifest the higher realm onto the world. In the righteous power of this realm, all minions of the Burning Hells find themselves being punished by the conscience over the guilt of their wickedness. It is as though their own shadows have been charge by the Light to rebuke their dark deeds.
- >Changed- Skill now pulls enemies in range toward center for 5 seconds. Explosion then deals arcane damage to all enemies in field.
- Chaos - Active Skill. Monsters within field lose auras, enchantments, and special resistances, qualities and attacks.
- Lore: In his innate understanding of existence, an alchemist can send the natural laws of the world in to chaos. Without the guidance of the laws, chaos completely disrupts monsters’ inherent abilities –going as far as to negating the effects of any monster’s auras, enchantments, and special resistances or qualities.
- >Changed- Skill now includes effects of Spirit Sever.
- Astral Force - Passive Skill. Increases the attack speed and chance of critical strike for Archeus doppelgangers.
- >Removed
- Transcendence - Passive Skill. Alchemist receives % bonus to Defense when mana is below %.
- >Removed- Effects transfered to Nepenthe.
- Order - Passive Skill. Lowers cost of all Hex Field skills.
- >Unchanged
Phenomenon Skills[edit | edit source]
The Phenomenon tree skills covers a wide array of natural Phenomena that the Alchemists have studied. In understanding the nature of these Phenomena, a skilled alchemist can channel them himself, unleashing untold destruction onto his enemies.
Tier 1 Skills:
- Ignis Fatuus- Active Skill. Deals Fire damage with a 25% chance of dealing Poison damage.
- Lore: This eerie fire can be seen hovering over the ground, moving as though it has a mind of its own –beckoning observers. Even a young alchemist can learn the secret to this mysterious fire with little instruction, igniting deadly gases to conjure ghastly flames that will scorch his foes and poison their veins.
- >Changed- Skill now carries Alchemist towards target. Explosion upon landing deals fire damage.
- Aurora- Active Skill. Deals lightning damage with chance of stunning for as long as button is held.
- Lore: Myths across the world tell tales of the lights that snake across the night, bring good or ill omen. An alchemist can summon forth these shimmering lights of the northern and southern skies to electrify his enemies and perhaps leave them dazed.
- >Unchanged
- Qi Focus - Passive Skill. Increases mana recovery when not moving.
- >Removed- Skill effects have been combined with Balanced Humors.
- Deja Vu - Passive Skill. Increases the chance of critical strike when the same Phenomenon skill is cast more than once within a 5 second period.
- >Removed
- Research - Passive Skill. Increases the damage of all Phenomenon skills.
- >Changed- Skill name changed to Cunning Research.
Tier 2 Skills:
- Combustion - Active Skill. Sets monster on fire for a time, deals constant Fire damage.
- Lore: An alchemist can use his knowledge of the temperaments to raise natural choler in a monster’s body to a dangerously high level. Eventually, the monster bursts into flames from the excess, burning it from head to toe.
- >Unchanged
- Spectral Lightning - Active Skill. Deals Lightning damage to enemy targetted and lesser Lightning damage to any enemies it passes through in its path.
- Lore: Manifesting this rarely seen phenomenon, an alchemist can hurl a sphere a burning electrical energy. The sphere releases arcs of lightning onto any enemy in its path and detonates in a deadly blast when it reaches its destination.
- >Removed
- Phantom Pain - Passive Skill. When an enemy receives critical strike, it continues to lose health related to % of critical strike damage over 5 seconds.
- >Changed- Effect now lasts over 10 seconds.
- Amnesia - Passive Skill. Increases the chance that enemy will disengage attacking after being struck by melee attack.
- >Removed
- Balanced Humors - Passive Skill. Increases resistances.
- >Changed- Skill now includes effects of Qi Focus, now appears in Potions Skill Tree.
Tier 3 Skills:
- Saint's Fire - Active Skill. Glow attracts and chills monsters, chain lightning deals Lighting damage.
- Lore: Legend tells of a band of pirates that stole sacred relics from a clan of sorcerers, and were cursed by its priests. While on the sea, the sailors were startled by a fire on the mast, but mystified by its enticing eeriness even as it drained the heat from them. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck, and the ship –with its crew –sank to oblivion. Likewise, an alchemist can call forth the strange glow of the fire to mesmerize and chill his enemies before lightning strikes them down.
- >Changed- Skill name changed to Mark of Judgement. Skill marks one enemy with glow for 3-5 seconds, other enemies attracted to marked enemy. Marked enemy struck with lightning damage after 3-5 seconds.
- Salt Crystals - Active Skill. Field of crystals spread in direction cast, deals Physical damage, monsters attack pillars.
- Lore: Alchemists of old identified salt as one of the three base elements of the universe. Today, an alchemist can bring salt from the earth, sending out a field of crystals spikes beneath his enemies’ feet and providing pillars of salt as a barrier for the alchemist.
- >Unchanged
- Crystalization - Passive Skill. Increases the range of the Salt Crystals skill.
- >Removed
- Spine Chill - Passive Skill. Increases the chance to stun enemies with Lightning Phenomenon skills.
- >Removed
- Proximity Burns - Passive Skill. Adds splash damage to all Fire Phenomenon skills.
- >Removed
Tier 4 Skills:
- Prima Materia - Active Skill. Tendrils seek out enemies and deal Physical damage.
- Lore: Because of its liquid form, alchemist have long considered quicksilver to be the prima material, the base form of metal and a fundamental substance. An alchemist can send out this quicksilver to seek enemies and strike at them with its metallic tendrils.
- >Unchanged
- Elemental - Active Skill. Summons one random elemental: Sylph, Gnome, Undine, or Salamander. Can only have one elemental at a time.
- Lore: In his mastery of the temperaments, an alchemist can summon a being of pure element to fight at his side. Upon finishing his incantation, he is joined by one of four creatures: a sylph of lightning, a gnome of poison, an undine of ice, or a salamander of fire.
- >Unchanged
- Elemental Refinement - Passive Skill. Increases the attack damage and life of Elementals.
- >Removed
- Theurgy - Passive Skill. Increases all spell damage by % when Alchemist's life is below %.
- >Unchanged
- Amalgamation - Passive Skill. Alchemist and allies receive % increased attack damage and % increased defense for 15 seconds when touched by Prima Materia tendril.
- >Removed
Tier 5 Skills:
- Transfiguration - Active Skill. Alchemist transfigures into the shape of first enemy attacked. Enemies of same type will not attack Alchemist but will attack other types of enemies that the alchemist targets. Does not influence unique or champion monsters.
- Lore: One of the greatest secrets of the Alchemists, a wizened alchemist can actually shift his form to resemble his enemy. While in such a form, enemies of his kind will view him as their own and give their loyalty to him. Should the alchemist choose to attack another kind of enemy, his new allies will willingly fight for their brother.
- >Removed
- Sanctum Moleculae - Active Skill. Molecule splits into particles that radiate in zigzag pattern, deals Arcane damage.
- Lore: The greatest of alchemists understand the basic components of matter and the power within them. With this power, an alchemist can create the Sacred Molecule to attack his enemies. The molecule shatters in chaotically moving particles that radiate outward and permeate enemies with magical energies.
- >Unchanged
- Sufferance - Passive Skill. Increases the duration of Transfiguration.
- >Removed
- Oscillation - Passive Skill. Increases the number of particles released by Sanctum Moleculae.
- >Removed
- Philosopher's Stone - Passive Skill. Replenishes % health per second, increases the amount of gold dropped by enemies, chests, stashes, etc.
- >Changed- May also increase magic find (to be determined).
Alchemist Skills (Second System)[edit | edit source]
The alchemist skills are arranged into to three distinctive skill tree categories:
- Concoction
- Hex Field
- Phenomenon
All three trees have a combination of active and passive skills. Active skills are used in combat, while the passive skills boost or change the behaviour of the active skills or the Alchemist himself. The skills have recently been redesigned to conform to the new skill layout of the canonical classes. The then current skill design appears below:
Concoction Skills[edit | edit source]
The Concoction tree skills include several potions and powders that an alchemist can use/throw to both damage his enemies and strike them with debilitating debuffs. The Muriatic Acid, Aqua Vitae, Ichor and Alkahest skills can either be casted on the caster or an ally to add that type of damage to their weapons, or used to attack an enemy directly for greater damage and additional effects.
Tier 1 Skills:
- Brimstone - Active Skill. Enemies within the cloud are blinded and flee until it dissipates.
- Lore: Not all potions are meant to attack directly. When surrounded by enemies, an alchemist can utilize the foul nature of this fundamental substance to create a powerful flash and putrid clouds of sulfur that quickly spread through the area. So powerful is the sulfur that it drives enemies away.
- Black Powder - Active Skill. Explodes on contact, deals Physical and Fire damage, causes knockback.
- Lore: Should an alchemist be in need of force, he can cast a volatile powder that generates powerful explosions. So great is the force of the explosion that it can knock enemies away from the blast.
Tier 2 Skills:
- Muriatic Acid - Active Skill. Effect 1 (buff): Adds Lightning damage to caster and allies' weapons for X seconds. Effect 2 (ranged attack): Deals Lightning damage, enemies may randomly spasm during X seconds after being struck -interrupting their current action.
- Lore: An alchemist in combat can hurl vials of this powerful liquid or imbue a weapon with corrosive acid that eats into the flesh of his wounded enemy. The strength of the acid is capable of shocking the nerves of his enemies and causing spasms.
- Potent Catalyst - Passive Skill. Decreases enemy defense to physical attacks when struck by potion.
Tier 3 Skills:
- Aqua Vitae - Active Skill. Effect 1 (buff): Adds Cold damage to caster and allies' weapons for X seconds. Effect 2 (ranged attack): Deals Cold damage, lowers enemies' attack rating.
- Lore: Having long studied the effects of spirits on drunkards, an alchemist can distill this liquid into a potion that intoxicates his victims. Their thinned blood leaves them cold and sluggish, while their attacks become uncoordinated. It is unlikely that an enemy could land even a single blow while in such a drunken stupor.
- Balanced Humors - Passive Skill. Increases elemental resistances and mana regeneration.
Tier 4 Skills:
- Pitch - Active Skill. Enemies caught in area of effect are slowed or stopped.
- Lore: Speed is a powerful weapon. By using the natural thickness of this substance, an alchemist can ensnare his foes. After being slowed or even immobilized by the pitch, an enemy is easily dispatched by other attacks.
- Ichor - Active Skill. Effect 1 (buff): Adds Posion damage to caster and allies' weapons for X seconds. Effect 2 (ranged attack): Deals greater Poison damage.
- Lore: Legend has long told of this chemical being the essence of immortality in the blood of the gods, but also being extremely toxic to mortals. Should an alchemist be able to procure this rare substance, he can fill his enemies with a deadly poison.
Tier 5 Skills:
- Alkahest - Active Skill. Effect 1 (buff): Adds Fire damage to caster and allies' weapons for X seconds. Effect 2 (ranged attack): Deals Fire damage, spreads through contact.
- Lore: Hailed as the long-sought after universal solvent, a wise alchemist could discover an acid capable of dissolving even gold. An alchemist can use this chemical to melt to flesh from bone of any creature it comes into contact with. Its resilience allows it easily spread from enemy to enemy or from the ground for its duration.
- Drop of Nepenthe - Passive Skill. Alchemist receives % bonus to Defense whenever mana is below %.
Tier 6 Skills:
- Aether - Active Skill. Steals life of enemies, replenishes the health of the caster and his allies.
- Lore: Considered to be the fifth element of existence, Aether is the essence of life and spirit. When properly channeled, an alchemist can focus the spirits of Aether to seek out his enemies and rob them of their life force in order to replenish his own health and that of his allies.
- Panacea - Passive Skill. Increases effect of non-skill potions.
Hex Field Skills[edit | edit source]
The Hex Field tree skills focus on altering reality in order to allow an alchemist to finish his enemies faster and easier. Once a hex field is cast, the glyph representing that hex field floats at the center and projects a faint boundary for the area of effect. Multiple hex fields can be cast -so long as they are not of the same type -but cannot overlap their effects. If a new hex field overlaps an older one, the new one will cancel the effects of part the old hex field it overlaps.
Tier 1 Skills:
- Crisis- Active Skill. Lowers physical resistance of enemies within field and increases chance of critical strike.
- Lore: Alchemists have long studied the crisis period, the critical point in the body’s defenses that results in recovery or death. Having this knowledge, an alchemist can subtly influence the probability to be in favor of death, causing wounds to fail to heal and bleed uncontrollably.
- Calligraphy - Passive Skill. Increases the range of all Hex Field skills.
Tier 2 Skills:
- Archeus - Active Skill. Enemies are pulled towards center of field. After 5 seconds, center explodes and deals Arcane damage to all enemies within field.
- Lore: Through sheer force of will, an alchemist can manifest the higher realm onto the world. The rift to this realm pulls all nearby foes towards it, culminating in an explosion of righteous light that punishes all within it for their sinful deeds.
- Field Flux - Passive Skill. Increases the health and mana globes dropped in hex fields.
Tier 3 Skills:
- Violent Demise - Active Skill. Enemies that die within field explode. Spirits of dead attack other enemies with % of former attack strength.
- Lore: An alchemist can infuriate his enemy by filling its body with pain, tormenting its spirit until it violently explodes from its body upon death. The furious spirit will blindly lash out at its former allies before it is forced to move on and leave the mortal plane.
- Dyscrasia - Active Skill. Enemies within field have lower elemental resistances.
- Lore: Through years of studying the fundamental temperaments, an alchemist can upset the natural balance of an enemy's bodily fluids. The lack of equilibrium slows the enemy's natural bodily functions and renders it unable to withstand sudden elemental or environmental changes.
Tier 4 Skills:
- Empathy - Active Skill. Enemies in field receive % of melee or ranged damage they inflict.
- Lore: Alchemists have studied the workings of the mind for ages. With an understanding of the complex subtleties of thought, an alchemist can force an enemy to share his feelings and pains. Even as an enemy strikes the alchemist, it feels the pain of the wound as if it were its own wound.
- Mystic Pattern - Passive Skill. May increase Rune effects, or increase Alchemist's Dexterity while within Hex Field (to be determined).
Tier 5 Skills:
- Vulken's Wrath - Active Skill. Enemies receive regular Fire damage and cannot heal. Bodies of slain enemies cannot be used in any way.
- Lore: Fire has always been seen as a symbol of purity and a key to the art of alchemy. By invoking the wrath of Vulken, the alchemical patron of fire, an alchemist can call forth this purifying fire to sear the corrupted spirits of enemies and consume their remains.
- Empowered Psyche - Passive Skill. Alchemist has % chance of restoring X mana when killing an enemy with physical attack.
Tier 6 Skills:
- Chaos - Active Skill. Enemies within field lose special abilities, magic resistance, and suffer resource burn (slowly lose mana/fury/instability).
- Lore: In his innate understanding of existence, an alchemist can send the natural laws of the world in to chaos. Without the guidance of the laws, chaos completely disrupts enemies' inherent abilities. The chaos can even sever an enemy's ties to the natural fields of the world, draining its mana reserves and leaving it vulnerable to magical damage.
- Order - Passive Skill. Increases the effects of each point in the Alchemist's Vitality and Willpower attributes.
Phenomenon Skills[edit | edit source]
The Phenomenon tree skills covers a wide array of natural Phenomena that the Alchemists have studied. In understanding the nature of these Phenomena, a skilled alchemist can channel them himself, unleashing untold destruction onto his enemies.
Tier 1 Skills:
- Combustion - Active Skill. Sets enemy on fire for a time, deals constant Fire damage.
- Lore: An alchemist can use his knowledge of the temperaments to raise natural choler in a enemy's body to a dangerously high level. Eventually, the enemy bursts into flames from the excess, burning it from head to toe.
- Phantom Pain - Passive Skill. When an enemy receives critical strike, it continues to lose health related to % of critical strike damage over 10 seconds.
Tier 2 Skills:
- Aurora- Active Skill. Deals lightning damage with chance of stunning for as long as button is held.
- Lore: Myths across the world tell tales of the lights that snake across the night, bring good or ill omen. An alchemist can summon forth these shimmering lights of the northern and southern skies to electrify his enemies and perhaps leave them dazed.
- Salt Crystals - Active Skill. Field of crystals spread in direction cast, deals Physical damage, enemy are block by pillars.
- Lore: Alchemists of old identified salt as one of the three base elements of the universe. Today, an alchemist can bring salt from the earth, sending out a field of crystals spikes beneath his enemies’ feet and providing pillars of salt as a barrier for the alchemist.
Tier 3 Skills:
- Ignis Fatuus- Active Skill. Fire carries caster towards target, explosion deals Fire damage upon landing.
- Lore: This eerie fire can be seen hovering over the ground, moving as though it has a mind of its own –beckoning observers. An acomplished alchemist can learn the secret to this mysterious fire with practice, allowing him to float over his foes and releash a burst of ghastly flames upon landing.
- Will of Theurgy - Passive Skill. Increases all spell damage by % when Alchemist's life drops below % for 10 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 60 seconds.
Tier 4 Skills:
- Elemental - Active Skill. Summons one elemental: Sylph, Gnome, Undine, or Salamander. Can only have one elemental at a time.
- Lore: In his mastery of the temperaments, an alchemist can summon a being of pure element to fight at his side. Upon finishing his incantation, he is joined by one of four creatures: a sylph of lightning, a gnome of poison, an undine of ice, or a salamander of fire.
- Mark of Judgement - Active Skill. Glowing mark follows enemy, other enemies are attracted to glow. After 3-5 seconds, marked enemy is struck with Lighting damage.
- Lore: Legend tells of a band of pirates that stole sacred relics from a clan of sorcerers, and were cursed by its priests. While on the sea, the sailors were startled by a fire on the mast, but mystified by its enticing eeriness as it drew them close. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck, and the ship –with its crew –sank to oblivion. Likewise, an alchemist can call forth the strange glow of the fire to mesmerize his enemies and mark them for judgement by lightning.
Tier 5 Skills:
- Prima Materia - Active Skill. Tendrils seek out enemies and deal Physical damage.
- Lore: Because of its liquid form, alchemist have long considered quicksilver to be the prima material, the base form of metal and a fundamental substance. An alchemist can send out this quicksilver to seek enemies and strike at them with its metallic tendrils.
- Research and Practice - Passive Skill. Increases the damage of all Phenomenon skills.
Tier 6 Skills:
- Sanctum Moleculae - Active Skill. Molecule splits into particles that radiate in zigzag pattern, deals Arcane damage.
- Lore: The greatest of alchemists understand the basic components of matter and the power within them. With this power, an alchemist can create the Sacred Molecule to attack his enemies. The molecule shatters in chaotically moving particles that radiate outward and permeate enemies with magical energies.
- Philosopher's Stone - Passive Skill. Replenishes % health per second, increases the amount of gold dropped by enemies, chests, stashes, etc. May increase magic find (to be determined).