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Fanmade:Holy Power Skill Tree

101 bytes added, 18:11, 17 November 2009
no edit summary
* '''Wisp Of Light'''
The ability to call Wisp of Light - a shining white sphere that is twice bigger than the mage's head. There are thin rays of white light that come out of the sphere, making it look like a big star. When a wisp is called it flies around the mage and attacks enemies by spreading thin rays of white light. The damage is magical. Each ray damages one enemy. There is extra damage to undead and demons. The wisp can fire at six targets at a time. The range of the wisp attack is 7 metres. Each wisp has a limited amount of life and can be killed. When this happens the wisp fades away. Costs Manaper wisp.
You can call maximum three Wisps of Light. These Wisps cannot be combined with Shadow Wisps /see the Shadow Spells skill tree - I will add it after some time/. When you call one kind of wisp it cancels the other.
Adding points to this skill will increase the magical damage and the count of wisps that you can call /up to three/. Their life also increases. The mana cost increases.