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173 bytes added, 16:40, 11 December 2009
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'''Griswold''' is a [[Diablo I]] NPC, and is located in the center of [[Tristram]], facing [[Deckard Cain |Cain]] and the town well. He is the most useful NPC for most characters, thanks to his convenient location and the fact that he is the only [[NPC ]] who buys weapons, armor, and jewelry. He is also the only NPC who handles repairs, and he sells a wide variety of normal and magical weapons and armor. Griswold also gives out a few single player quests and quest rewards.
{{iw|Griswold Griswold}} returns in [[Diablo II]], as a monster.He does not seem to make an re-appearance in [[Diablo III]].   ==Reference==* {{iw|D1_NPCs Diablo I Griswold)}}* {{iw|Griswold Diablo II Griswold}} 