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Health Globe

59 bytes removed, 15:23, 13 May 2012
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Boss monsters drop health orbs during the battle, generally at set percentages of their hit points. For instance, once you knocked a monster down to 75% of its maximum life, it would drop a globe or globes. [[Jay Wilson]] commented on this in 2009, [] "[bosses] would drop health globes at percentages of their health. Rares in particular are almost guaranteed to drop about every 25%."
The [ Systems: Health page] on the official Diablo III site includes used to include some hypothetical examples of how health globes might have to be utilized in a boss battle.
<blue>When you do battle with stronger foes like "[[rare]]" and "[[champion]]" monsters, you're likely to see medium-sized health globes emerge as they reach certain health percentages or are stripped of their defenses before death. Medium globes restore a sizable percentage of your health, and you'll need the extra boost to survive when dealing with these formidable enemies.<br>
Major boss fights make unique use of health globes. Each boss battle includes a custom-designed means of utilizing these globes to regain health. For example, in one fight, you might have to split your attention between weakening a dangerous boss and slaying its irritating but ultimately less-dangerous minions in order to get enough health globes to stay standing. In another fight, the boss itself might drop health globes when it takes damage, or you might have to hunt for hidden caches of globes in the midst of battle.</blue>