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Diablo Podcast

10,473 bytes added, 09:44, 5 September 2012
Episode Sixty-Five
===Episode Sixty-Five==='''The Diablo Podcast #65: Character Customization and Release Plans'''===
Wolfpaq and Neinball join Flux to discuss the rose-tinted glasses that are keeping some D2 fans from accepting D3. Also D3′s lacking(?) character customization options, and release day plans.
* Length: 54:40
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===The Diablo Podcast #66: Beta Reflections and Bashiok Encounters===
Flux is joined by Grug and Azzure to talk about the highs and lows of the recently-concluded Diablo III beta test. All of the guys were lucky enough to be in the Beta almost from the start, and with the help of numerous fan suggestions in a big beta forum discussion thread, they review the highs and lows of the Diablo 3 Beta.
* Original air date: May 13, 2012.
* Length: 43:41
* '''[ View it here].'''
===The Diablo Podcast #67: Diablo 3 Bold Predictions===
Our Diablo III predictions podcast includes short conversations with eight members of the Diablo community, as they predict how the Diablo III experience will unfold. Not every guest was asked exactly the same questions, but most of them got most of the questions, which included the following:
Name the most and least popular classes shortly after launch. Will they differ for hardcore? Will there be a major hack or cheat or dupe or other problem requiring a patch fix within the first few months. Will Followers be essential, irrelevant, or something in between in Hell and Inferno? Will the RMAH take off with players paying up to the $250 max price cap within the first month? How long will players take to beat Inferno softcore and Hardcore? When will PvP be patched in? When will D3X be announced and when released? Can you make a bold prediction for the 6th class?
* Original air date: May 19, 2012.
* Length: 50:03
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===The Diablo Podcast #68: First Week of Diablo III===
Flux, Azzure, and Grug discuss the first week of Diablo III, both in-game and around the Diablo community. Both guests and the host are relatively pleased with the game, though one guest has some strong reservations about a few things.
The launch is discussed and the panelists debate whether the extensive negative press coverage of Diablo III’s “rocky” launch was a big deal or a big overreaction. Most of the show is concentrated on the gameplay, and there is much discussion of first reactions to the retail client after so long in the tiny Beta. Other game issues include everyone’s first character(s) and goals, character builds and rune effect experimentation, issues with the item system’s limited variety, randomization issues with outdoor and indoor areas, and reactions to Inferno being beaten in four days.
* Original air date: May 22, 2012.
* Length: 1:01:52
* '''[ View it here].'''
===The Diablo Podcast #69: Good Second Impressions, Item Problems, and Difficulty===
Flux chats with Xanth and Neinball about Diablo III’s second week, and the guys debate going great and what needs work. Topics include character builds and early progress, play styles, reactions to the full game, issues with the economy, the difficulty curve and Inferno, the story and cliffhanger ending, and more. All of the gameplay issues get a Hardcore evaluation as well, since that’s Xanth’s area of expertise.
The second section of the show kicks in around 56 minutes, when Xanth and Neinball check out, and Flux starts a new quick chat with Exile. Exile explains why is his Witch Doctor is level 59.9, talks about the economy and the GAH, revisits some of his pre-game predictions, and more.
* Original air date: May 29, 2012.
* Length: 1:10:23
* '''[ View it here].'''
===The Diablo Podcast #70: Inferno Says “No!”===
Flux is joined by Hardcore expert Xanth for a wide-ranging discussion of all things Diablo III. Topics include Xanth’s Hardcore success (two level 60s and a 59, only two of whom were dead at the time the show was recorded), and how it’s possible to survive playing HC when most players die repeatedly against most nasty boss packs, The build style, the attitude towards using defensive skills, the overgearing and different emphasis on HC chars marks them as very different than Softcore chars, even ones played by careful players.
Other topics include Inferno issues, the mega gear check it provides, the ironic way many players are hobbling themselves for Inferno by Auction House overgearing in Hell, and mixed-laments that so few offensive skills can be used in the end game.
* Original air date: July 5, 2012.
* Length: 1:05:48
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===The Diablo Podcast #71: Garwulf’s Conversation===
Long-time, old-time columnist Garwulf, AKA Robert Marks, is the guest and my goodness does he have a lot to say. Fortunately he’s pretty good at saying it, so hear him discourse on his new book project, his place in the origins of video game journalism, the evolution of ebook publishing, and his interactions with Blizzard back in 2000, when he published the first official Blizzard ebook and the first official Diablo fiction, Demonsbane.
* Original air date: July 10, 2012.
* Length: 1:00:53
* '''[ View it here].'''
===The Diablo Podcast #72: Inferno Prescriptions===
Flux talks all things Inferno with long time podcast guest Wolfpaq and first time guest Muggs. Both guests have extensive experience with Diablo III’s end game and enjoy it, though they’ve each got a list of features that could/should/need to be improved and upgraded. Inferno-related topics include what’s good about the end game, issues with the end game items, D3′s “never level again” experience curve, the Auction House as a blessing/curse/necessity, fast games with Nephalem Valor stacks, pros and cons of the crafting system, nostalgia (or not) for customizable runestones, and much more.
* Original air date: July 16. 2012.
* Length: 1:10:11
* '''[ View it here].'''
===The Diablo Podcast #73: Quitting or Not?===
Flux is joined by Grug and The Eliminator to talk about their Diablo III experiences thus far. One guest is still really enjoying the game while the other... not so much.
* Original air date: 20 July, 2012.
* Length: 1:00:18
* '''[ View it here].'''
===The Diablo Podcast #74: The Great Demon Hunter Discussion===
Flux is joined by long time guest Wolfpaq and first time guest JrMint for a podcast focused (almost) entirely on the Demon Hunter. Both guests and the host have played the class extensively, and we cover every aspect of Diablo III’s pewpewpew expert. Pros and cons of the class, best and worst builds, discussion of almost every skill, favorite rune effects for various situations, passive skill choices, build options and variety, and brainstorming wish lists for ways to improve the class.
We tried to keep the show interesting for experts AND accessible for newcomers, so in addition to debates about the best Inferno builds and high end gear talk, it includes basic info about how the class works, explanations by the guests why they like the DH the best, what new DH players should keep in mind, and more.
* Original air date: 25 July, 2012.
* Length: 1:07:31
* '''[ View it here].'''
===The Diablo Podcast #75: Barbarian Battle Royale===
Flux is joined by regular guest Xanth and first time guest Sarnakle to discuss all things Barbarian. Why is the class the most popular in the game, what types of play styles are most popular, what are the best and worst (and most fun novelty) skills and rune effects, sword/board vs. dual-wielding vs. two-hander, the best Inferno builds, the magic of Critical Hits, selecting a Fury-spender, defensive options, PvP expectations, and more.
There’s even a bonus digression into Diablo III’s lacking multiplayer incentives, which are largely responsible for the lack of public games (especially in Inferno Hardcore) and how that could be addressed by the developers.
* Original air date: 10 August, 2012.
* Length: 1:20:08
* '''[ View it here].'''
===The Diablo Podcast #76: v1.0.4 Class and Legendary Previews===
Flux is joined by two first time guests, Danthar and Philter, to discuss everything about the v1.0.4 patch previews. Last week brought previews for improvements to Legendary Items as well as the Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Monk, Wizard, and Witch Doctor, and on the show we discuss all of those, along with other imminent patch issues. The patch should go online Tuesday, August 21st, and we’ll record another podcast next weekend after five days of patch testing, to discuss the features and changes.
* Original air date: 20 August, 2012.
* Length: 1:11:27
* '''[ View it here].'''
===The Diablo Podcast #77: v1.0.4 First Week Play Test Reactions===
Flux is joined by Muggs and Philter to discuss everything about the v1.0.4 patch after a week of play testing. Everyone is a big fan of most of the v1.04 changes, though there are still issues that can be improved, here and there. Topics include changes to the game on the whole, the Paragon system, improved (or not) item finding, changes to boss modifiers, easier multiplayer gaming, and specific changes to the Demon Hunter, Wizard, Barbarian, and Witch Doctor.
* Original air date: 28 August, 2012.
* Length: 1:01:53
* '''[ View it here].'''
===The Diablo Podcast #78: Paragons, Items, and Farming===
Flux is joined by JrMint, Azzure (briefly) and Xanth to talk about all sorts of issues created by the v1.04 patch. All the guests are playing a lot and enjoying the game much more than they did prior to the patch, but not everything is perfect just yet, so there’s plenty to discuss.
* Original air date: 5 September, 2012.
* Length: 1:13:52
* '''[xx View it here].'''