Mighty Weapons
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Mighty Weapons are melee weapons usable only by the Barbarian. These weapons have comparable damage and Attack Speed to other melee weapons, but may spawn with some affixes of exclusive use to the Barbarian.
The type of weapon the Barbarian uses in his main hand also creates a very different bonus via his Weapons Master passive skill, so players should select their weapons, and which hand they wield them in, carefully.
Legendary Mighty Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Items of level 61 and higher can only be found in Reaper of Souls.
One-Handed Legendary Mighty Weapons
- 8) Fjord Cutter
- 29) Ambo's Pride
- 54) Harvest Moon - Crafted
- 60) Blade of the Warlord
- 60) Bul-Kathos's Solemn Vow - Set
- 60) Bul-Kathos's Warrior Blood - Set
- 60) Hallowed Reckoning - Crafted Set
- 70) Night's Reaping - Crafted
- 70) Hallowed Nemesis - Crafted Set
Two-Handed Legendary Mighty Weapons
- 23) Unending War - Crafted
- 29) Bastion's Revered
- 31) Fury of the Vanished Peak
- 31) Madawc's Sorrow
- 50) The Gavel of Judgment
- 60) Immortal King's Boulder Breaker - Set
- 70) War of the Dead - Crafted
Items of Diablo III [e] Item Basics Normal Items Crafting Legendary Armor I Legendary Armor II Legendary Weapons 1h Legendary Weapons 2h Item Sets |