The Cursed Hold map
The Cursed Hold is a single-story geometric dungeon that can be reached via the Highlands Passage of Act I. It is home to The Warden who features in The Imprisoned Angel quest. It leads to level three of the Halls of Agony.
Below are a couple of typical layouts also showing the location of Prisoners' remains which form part of The Imprisoned Angel quest and Cursed Captives achievement.
Sanctuary[e] Act 1 Act 2 Act 3 Act 4 Act 5 |
Act 1 | [e] | ||||
Char. Level: 1 - 20
Khanduras |
• The Old Ruins (m) | |||
(X) = Typical character level for that area - (m) = Map of area |
Act 1 categories: Dungeons Settlements Structures Maps |
Bonus Areas Cemetery of the Forsaken Fields of Misery |
Festering Woods Leoric's Hunting Grounds |
The Old Ruins Old Tristram Road |
• The Royal Crypts (m) Wortham Southern Highlands |