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The Old Mill

The Old Mill is a structure in The Fields of Misery of Act I.

It features in The Broken Blade quest which sees you fighting Nigel Cutthroat for a relic. It's at the Old Mill you first run into the Scoundrel, the follower you are able to hire to fight with you.

Location of The Old Mill

Access to LevelsEdit

Quests in The Old MillEdit

Notable NPCsEdit

Common Monsters found in The Old MillEdit

Special Monsters found in The Old MillEdit

The following Superunique monsters can but might not always appear in The Old Mill:


Checkpoints are respawn points. Players who die appear back at the last checkpoint they reached. Players can also leave the game and resume at the last checkpoint at a later date. In effect they are a 'save game' feature. The following Checkpoints appear in The Old Mill

Lore Entries Found in The Old MillEdit

Associated AchievementsEdit

The Old Mill is in some way involved in the following achievement(s).

Name Points Description Banner
<achievement type="single">Field Work</achievement>
