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Mysterious Cave

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The Mysterious Cave is a dungeon that has a chance to spawn [1] within the Dahlgur Oasis in Act II.

Although the cave doesn't feature in any quests or events it's important in your quest to reach Whimsyshire as it's where the Liquid Rainbow is found needed to craft the Staff of Herding. The Liquid Rainbow will be found in a Mysterious Chest that randomly spawns in the cave.

Besides that it has a good few regular chests and also the possibility of a Resplendent Chest.

  1. Spawning rate in version 1.0.8 (Hardcore Hell with no monster power): 17% (4 occurrences on 24 attempts)

Access to LevelsEdit

Farming for Mysterious CaveEdit


  1. From the Quest Selection screen take Act II quest No. 6. Betrayer of the Horadrim.
  2. Take the Waypoint in the Hidden Camp to the Path to the Oasis. You'll get a Checkpoint as soon as you materialise.
  3. Go down the Path to the Oasis and into the Dahlgur Oasis
  4. Go right hugging the edge of the map and take the first right. This is a small cul-de-sac with a waterfall and could be where Zaven appears. If not go straight back out and head north.
  5. Hug the right edge of the map and eventually you will come to another identical cul-de-sac. This is the second location Zaven could be. He could be in neither.
  6. If he is not, leave the game and Resume Game to appear back at the Path to the Oasis.

Special Notes:

  • You might consider only looking for the first spot he can appear in as that is so close to the Waypoint in the Path to the Oasis so it is very quick to see he isn't there and restart. You can see by the Dahlgur Oasis map that the spot further north is quite a trek and you'll be pestered by beasties on the way up too.
  • When you've found and saved Zaven the Mysterious Cave will open behind him and this is where you may find the Liquid Rainbow, one of the ingredients needed for the Staff of Herding. It will appear in a Mysterious Chest which has a possibility of spawning (doesn't always).

Common Monsters found in Mysterious CaveEdit

Notable NPCsEdit


Waypoints are special plates on the ground that form a network of jump points allowing players to instantly teleport between them. The nearest waypoint for Mysterious Cave appears at a random location in the Dahlgur Oasis. There is also one in the Path to the Oasis which is a very short path always at the very bottom of the area.

Associated AchievementsEdit

Mysterious Cave is in some way involved in the following achievement(s).

Name Points Description Banner
<achievement type="single">Nooks and Crannies</achievement>


A video showing the route to the cave, and finding Liquid Rainbow:

Zaven sells dyes appropriate to the difficulty level at half price to thank the player for saving his life.
