Caverns of Frost Location
Chiltara is a Unique (purple) Lacuni huntress who only appears in the Caverns of Frost dungeon below the Fields of Slaughter in Act III. Chiltara is a much-farmed enemy as the only source for two different legendary materials, and may drop a third as well.
Chiltara follows a freezing theme, and has the Frozen Elite Affix, which creates small ice grenades that explode after a second, dealing a freezing effect to anything in their blast radius. She is also highly resistant to cold-based attacks.
- The Gibbering Gemstone, one of the materials required to craft the Staff of Herding, which is required to enter the Whimsyshire secret level. (Only one of these is required for the staff, per account.)
- Frozen Blood, a legendary material required to create Utar's Roar, a crafted legendary one-handed axe. (One of these is required for each craft of the Axe, which may require multiple rolls to spawn at the desired quality.)
- Urn of Quickening, a legendary material required to craft the Kethryes' Splint legendary bracers. This material may be dropped by any Unique Lacuni huntress, including Chiltara.
Chiltara is a very rare spawn and may require many farming runs to find and to secure the desired legendary material from. Thankfully, the drop rates for legendary materials are calculated independently, as sort of an "add on" drops, rather than either/or items that would compete for drop priority. [1]
Grimiku: The Gibbering Gemstone does not compete with the Legendary crafting materials that Chiltara can drop, so finding a Frozen Blood (or an Urn of Quickening) won't keep you from having a chance at finding the stone.
Chiltara is associated with the following achievement:
<achievement type="single">Never Seen that Before</achievement>
Boss and Champion Special Boss Modifiers
Uniques Modifiers
Strong CC (Limit 1): Knockback -- Nightmarish -- Vortex -- Jailer
Defensive (Limit 1): Avenger(C) -- Health Link(C) -- Horde(B) -- Illusionist -- Missile Dampening(B) -- Shielding
Aggressive (No Limit): Arcane Enchanted -- Desecrator -- Electrified -- Fast -- Fire Chains(C) -- Frozen Pulse* -- Frozen -- Molten -- Mortar -- Plagued -- Poison Enchanted* -- Reflects Damage -- Teleporter -- Waller
(B) = Boss Only modifier. -- (C) = Champion Only modifier -- * = Reaper of Souls only
Removed Modifiers
Ballista -- Cold Aura -- Die Together -- Doppelganger -- Extra Health -- Invulnerable Minions(B) -- Life Link -- Magical -- Mirrored -- Multishot -- Mythical -- Powerful -- Stoneskin -- Vampiric
Key Quest Uniques and their Special Modifiers
Act One Uniques
Araneae - Web Spit
Leoric - Summon Skeleton, Teleport Strike, Triple Cleave
The Butcher - Smash, Grappling Hook, Spear, Frenzy Charge
Act Two Uniques
Maghda - Forcefield, Summoning Ritual, Punish, Moth Dust, Teleport.
Zoltan Kulle - Fiery Boulder, Time Bubble, Ceiling Collapse, Energy Twister,Vanish, Creepy Laugh
Belial - Phase One: Triple Fireball, Summon Vipers. Phase Two: Poison Meteors, Ground Pound, Lightning Strike, Lightning Breath.
Act Three Uniques
Ghom - Acid Slime, Sneeze, Gas Cloud, Chomp.
Siegebreaker - Triple Hit, Charge, Leg Stomp, Grab and Throw.
Cydaea - Pain Bolts, Web Trap, Spider Pits.
Azmodan - Bellyflop, Laser Attack, Falling Corpses, Demon Gate, Pool of Destruction, Globe of Annihilation.
Act Four Uniques
Rakanoth - Cleave, Teleport Strike, Blade Strike, Volley, Summon Minion.
Izual - Frost Nova, Frozen, Summon Minions.
Diablo - Phase One: Claw Rip, Charge, Hell Spikes, Shadow Vanish Grab, Curse of Destruction, Ring of Fire, Ground Stomp, Curse of Anguish, Curse of Hatred.
Phase Two: Shadow Clone. Phase Three: Overdrive, Lightning Breath.