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Deceivers are Demonic snake-like creatures which can turn themselves invisible until they are in close range and then offload a melee attack or surround the player with an electrical field.

Sub TypesEdit

Act II

  • Copperfang Lurker
  • Doom Viper
  • Scaled Magus
  • Serpent Magus
  • Spellwinder
  • Veiled Evoker
  • Veiled Sentinel
  • Writhing Deceiver

In Alphabetical Order

Copperfang LurkerEdit

Copperfang Lurker

<mob acr="60816">Copperfang Lurker</mob>

Doom ViperEdit

  • Appears in Act II - City of Caldeum and Hidden Aqueducts
  • Physical melee attack with a twin-bladed trident with a long reach.
  • Stealth capability which allows him to get close before appearing and striking you. Watch for the rippling effect as that gives the Doom Vipers location away.

<mob>Doom Viper</mob>

Scaled MagusEdit

  • Appears in Act II -
  • Physical melee attack
  • Lightning Ring which casts a wide electrified circle around him and the player. He can not cast this whilst he is moving, so retreat and either stop and hit him with a ranged attack or get a couple of melee strikes in before he stops and casts it again.

<mob>Scaled Magus</mob>

Serpent MagusEdit

Serpent Magus

<mob>Serpent Magus</mob>


  • Appears in Act II - Eastern Channel and Western Channel
  • Physical melee attack
  • Lightning Ring which casts a wide electrified circle around him and the player. He can not cast this whilst he is moving, so retreat and either stop and hit him with a ranged attack or get a couple of melee strikes in before he stops and casts it again.


Veiled EvokerEdit

  • Appears in Act II - Imperial Palace
  • Physical melee attack
  • Lightning Ring which casts a wide electrified circle around him and the player. He can not cast this whilst he is moving, so retreat and either stop and hit him with a ranged attack or get a couple of melee strikes in before he stops and casts it again.

<mob>Veiled Evoker</mob>

Veiled SentinelEdit

  • Appears in Act II - Imperial Palace and Ransacked Cellar
  • Physical melee attack with a twin-bladed trident with a long reach.
  • Stealth capability which allows him to get close before appearing and striking you. Watch for the rippling effect as that gives the Doom Vipers location away.

<mob>Veiled Sentinel</mob>

Writhing DeceiverEdit

Writhing Deceiver

<mob acr="213842">Writhing Deceiver</mob>


Superunique versions of Deceiver have a chance of spawning in the following areas:

Act II


These serpentine demons are Belial's favored servants, and he has granted them some of his skill in cunning and illusion. Deceivers will cloak themselves in the familiar forms of their enemy's companions and friends, waiting to strike when the moment is opportune. It is only then that their true forms are revealed. = Deckard Cain

